Moodle Cloud Hosting
Choose your Moodle hosting plan
Find the right solution for your needs! Focus on your teaching and learning while the Eummena team takes care of the rest! Apart from the packages above, we offer custom and larger packages. Get in touch here to request one.

Moodle LMS Plus
UniPlay for Moodle
Click on the button below
to ask for a quotation
- Up to 500 users
- 100GB of storage
Latest Moodle version
- Unlimited courses & activities
- yourname/ domain
- Your own domain
Premium Moodle Mobile app enabled
unlimited notifications
unlimited devices
unlimited offline courses
- Custom certificates
Virtual Classroom
25 users in one session
- Automated backups
- Pre-made reports available
- Branding (Logo & colours)
- Content Supported
Interactive content (H5P), competencies, learning plans, assignments, forms, SCORM, feedback, surveys, wiki, quizzes, etc. - Gamification & Badges
- Report Builder
- Community themes installation
- Installation of community plugins
UniPlay Premium Moodle
learning experience
Theme, plugins, configuration - Multi-tenancy
- Social media sharing
- Appointments
- Organisation Structure
- Dynamic Rules (workflow automation)
- Programs of courses & Learning paths
- Certifications
Moodle Workplace
UniPlay for Workplace
Click on the button below
to ask for a quotation
- Up to 500 users
- 100GB of storage
- Latest Moodle version
- Unlimited courses & activities
- yourname/ domain
- Your own domain
Premium Moodle Mobile app enabled
unlimited notifications
unlimited devices
unlimited offline courses
- Custom certificates
Virtual Classroom
25 users in one session
- Automated backups
- Pre-made reports available
- Branding (Logo & colours)
Content Supported
Interactive content (H5P), competencies, learning plans, assignments, forms, SCORM, feedback, surveys, wiki, quizzes, etc.
- Gamification & Badges
- Report Builder
- Community themes installation
- Installation of community plugins
UniPlay Premium Moodle
learning experience
Theme, plugins, configuration - Multi-tenancy
- Social media sharing
- Appointments
- Organization Structure
- Dynamic Rules (workflow automation)
- Programs of courses & Learning paths
- Certifications
Moodle LMS Custom
Talk to us
Click on the button below
to ask for a quotation
- Above 500 users
Latest Moodle version
- Unlimited courses & activities
- yourname/ domain
- Your own domain
Premium Moodle Mobile app enabled
unlimited notifications
unlimited devices
unlimited offline courses
- Custom certificates
Virtual Classroom
25 users in one session
- Automated backups
- Pre-made reports available
- Branding (Logo & colours)
Content Supported
Interactive content (H5P), competencies, learning plans, assignments, forms, SCORM, feedback, surveys, wiki, quizzes, etc.
- Gamification & Badges
- Report Builder
- Community themes installation
- Installation of community plugins
UniPlay Premium Moodle
learning experience
Theme, plugins, configuration - Multi-tenancy
- Social media sharing
- Appointments
- Organisation Structure
- Dynamic Rules (workflow automation)
- Programs of courses & Learning paths
- Certifications
If our plans above, do not cover your needs, MoodleHQ offers MoodleCloud which includes a number of smaller packages
that could be of interest to you. For larger or custom plans, please use our contact form, to reach out to us!