Dallah Driving Company trains thousands
of drivers in Saudi Arabia
with Moodle Workplace by Eummena
Background of the Institution
Dallah Driving Company is one of the leading Saudi companies specialized in training the drivers for exceptional driving skills in over 10 regions all over The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It was founded in 1975 and licences more than 250,000 trainees annually.
The objectives of Dallah are:
- Provide professional services in an appropriate educational environment.
- Raise the quality of driving training to be in line with the aspirations of Saudi Arabia and the goals set forth in Vision 2030.
- Ensure that all services are provided in accordance with highest standards associated with quality, efficiency and transparency.
Provide services to the community on the local, regional and international levels.

The Challenge
When Dallah started its operation, it was enrolling trainees in theoretical and practical vehicle driving lessons. Trainees used to attend on-site for both types of lessons. However, there were some challenges with this.
Dallah faced a big challenge during the onset of Covid-19. Because of social distancing measures, only 15 learners would fit in the training hall. However, participants who applied were much greater in numbers, so the training halls were not enough for the participants interested in learning driving.
Even as Covid-19 restrictions were lifted and life was coming back to normal, Dallah realized that the number of trainees were rising, so they had to resort to creating different timings of training as they could not all fit the different training rooms they had.
By resorting to online training, a bigger number of learners could be present per session without having to resort to managing more coaches and many sessions for the same topics at different times.
Eummena’s Solution
To support Dallah with their challenges but also provide a solution that catered to their programs and training flow, Eummena implemented Moodle Workplace platform for Dallah where driving school trainees would be able to engage in quality online learning regardless of their proximity to Dallah’s center. The platform was also designed to help Dallah’s team manage learners' engagement, class participation, and attendance in the same learning system.
Moodle Workplace combines the best features of Moodle LMS with advanced tools for workplace learning. Designed for flexibility, the learning platform was customized according to Dallah’s organization’s size, structure and needs.
The online live sessions are conducted on the BigBlueButton Virtual Classroom platform that is fully integrated with Moodle Workplace and that facilitates an easy to use and engaging environment for the trainers and trainees to interact with each other.
Every regional office has one tenant that is entirely self-managed and has its own users and courses. Dallah makes use of exclusive Workplace features like Programs to create specific learning paths with multiple completion criteria as well as Dynamic rules to automate the management of the learning process, leaving more time for their trainers to focus on what matters - training.
Using the appointment booking Moodle Workplace activity, the training on the platform is also aligned with the face-to-face sessions learners are meant to take in order to receive their driver’s license.