Background of the Institution
ACTED is a French international NGO committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and promote inclusive and sustainable growth.
ACTED supported participants from 10 different universities in Palestine and also participants from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, The Cultural Forum Center on using education technology.
The participants are lecturers and professors or professionals in the ministries who were directly affected by the digital transformation in education during and post Covid-19. Therefore, they needed to be equipped with the right skills and competencies to design online courses with confidence.

The Challenge
With the sudden change and the radical shift from face-to-face education to e-learning, several problems arose:
Resetting the environment to meet the needs of online teaching that is different from onsite teaching and learning
Difficulty in redesigning offline courses to suit online learning and meet the needs of learners
Difficulty with student engagement and presence; there was no human interaction and eye contact, and also difficulty of formative assessment during the lessons
Eummena’s Role
Eummena hosted the Moodle Educator Certification program to equip the participants with the needed digital competencies that are based on the Digital Competence Framework for Education (DigCompEdu). The training program focused mostly on self-regulated learning but also included real-time support from facilitators in three online sessions. The training is based on the European Competency for Digital Education.

The trainees felt more confident in designing and teaching online courses. They also felt confident regarding classroom management, digital assessment, and evaluation.
What MEC participants are saying
In Numbers
participants overall
who took or are currently taking the program
who completed the MEC program
created courses
that meet Moodle Educator Certification guidelines
said the program met or exceeded their expectations